Crab, Lime & Chilli Spaghetti - Recipe of the month
A quick and easy seasonal recipe from our friends at Sydney Seafood School. Perfect for anyone currently enjoying the bounty of a lime tree in the garden. This dish partners beautifully with the refreshing citrus flavours of our La Biondina Colombard.

Le Marche Fish Soup - Recipe of the Month
February's recipe of the month is one of Primo Estate winemaker and owner Joe Grilli’s all time favourite dishes from his parent’s home region of Ascoli Piceno in Le Marche on the central Adriatic coast of Italy. Joe says,
‘Dishes like this are EXACTLY why we make the JOSEPH d’Elena Pinot Grigio’.

Snapper & Mushroom Recipe from The Bistro at Adelaide Hilton
We were thrilled to see our La Biondina Colombard featured in the Adelaide Hilton's FREE recipe ebook as the perfect pairing for this delicious dish. Click here to download the recipe pdf